About Us

The broadcast hub in South-east Nigeria

Communication has been an important part of human formation and development from the earliest times. Mass communication as the established system of disseminating and exchanging information through mass media to large segments of the population remains in the centre of all civilizations. Societies have known and employed the use of mass communication in its human and societal developments. Nigeria as a nation is not left out in the use of mass communication in driving these developments. However, some parts of the country seem to be doing better than others in this regard. It is quite unfortunate that south east seem not to be doing well with communication in comparison to some other parts of the country. This situation informed the emergence of Sapientia International Media Centre Ltd as an independent media organization to change the narrative in the south eastern Nigeria and beyond.


Sapientia International Media Centre Ltd, which although was registered in 2005, commenced operations in 2011 with the formal opening of Radio Sapientia 95.3 FM, Onitsha Nigeria.

Our corporate head office is situate at No. 9 Sapientia/Sophina Drive, Federal Housing Estate Trans- Nkisi, Onitsha Anambra State, Nigeria.

Our core objective is to institutionalize sustainable mass media services comprising of (but not limited to)


radio, television, magazine, cinema and ancillary outfits as contained in the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association (MEMART)

As a multimedia company, we are basically into entertainment albeit not oblivious of our educative and informative roles to society while being consistent with the values and cultural heritage of our audience.

Osy Orakwe .MD

Managing Director

Our Mission

To be a force in the overall development of the human person using mass media, with emphasis on the active audience engagement approach; thus, making every voice heard without compromising established professional standards.

Our Vision

A global mass media institution reckoned as icon of human and social development.

Core Values

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About Us

We are outstanding in broadcast

Sapientia International Media Centre Ltd targets South Eastern Nigeria and its global diaspora through satellite broadcasting, appealing to a diverse audience across age, class, gender, religion, and status. The media center, committed to neutrality, ensures broad acceptance.

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A platform that has a large audience is what your bussinesses need to get into more ears. take action now